> On Feb 6, 2022, at 4:51 PM, Brian Brombacher <br...@planetunix.net> wrote:
>> On Feb 6, 2022, at 4:32 PM, Mike Fischer <fischer+o...@lavielle.com> wrote:
>>>> Am 06.02.2022 um 21:13 schrieb Brian Brombacher <br...@planetunix.net>:
>>>>> You can work around it by putting both interfaces in diffrent rdomains, 
>>>>> then running two httpd instances, one in rdomain with first IP, second in 
>>>>> rdomain with second IP.
>>> This will work.  You can use PF rules to cross rdomains if you require.
>> Thanks for that info!
>> rdomains are a new concept for me. From what I currently understand after 
>> reading rdomain(4) I don’t get why I would need to run two instances of my 
>> service, e.g. httpd(8) to use rdomains? Is a process somehow tied to an 
>> rdomain?
>> And while the PF mechanism to cross rdomains might be needed in some setups 
>> I don’t see where it would help in my scenario? I want to use my service 
>> mainly from outside the host. (Though for local access I would understand 
>> the need to configure some PF rules.)
>> I tried the following:
>> Starting state: em0 and em1 each configured for IPv4 and IPv6, the later 
>> using autoconf
>> em0:
>> …
>>   inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>>   inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
>>   inet6 2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7 prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 978 vltime 
>> 6912
>> …
>> em1:
>> …
>>   inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>>   inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fd9c:4c1%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
>>   inet6 2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4c1 prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 978 vltime 
>> 6912
>> …
>> # netstat -R
>> Rdomain 0
>> Interfaces: lo0 em0 em1 enc0 pflog0
>> Routing table: 0
>> # 
>> Change #1:
>> # ifconfig em1 rdomain 1
>> New state:
>> em0: (same as above)
>> …
>>   inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>>   inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
>>   inet6 2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7 prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 978 vltime 
>> 6912
>> …
>> em1: (no IPs)
>> …
>> …
>> # netstat -R
>> Rdomain 0
>> Interfaces: lo0 em0 enc0 pflog0
>> Routing table: 0
>> Rdomain 1
>> Interfaces: em1 lo1
>> Routing table: 1
>> # 
>> Change #2: Re-add the IPs:
>> # ifconfig em1 inet netmask broadcast 
>> # ifconfig em1 inet6 autoconf -temporary -soii
>> New state: IPs on em1 are now set as in the original state, em1 is in 
>> rdomain 1.
>> So far so good!
> At this point I would reconfigure httpd to use two separate ports (80, 81) 
> for each site, or two local IP addresses (::1, ::2, I wouldn’t personally do 
> this, I would go multi port), and then use PF rules to forward the (em0) port 
> 80 as usual and then (em1) port 80 I would forward to rdomain 0, port 81 
> (example port).
> All of this is beyond the scope of a normal setup.  I would usually just do 
> as described by others and rely on hostname rather than IP for httpd to 
> process requests.  If for some reason this isn’t feasible, I’d be curious why.

>From your posts I know why you don’t want to use hostnames.  I can see utility 
>in using different IPs for different sites if you don’t want to advertise that 
>the sites are related by their IP.

>> After restarting httpd it failed with message: "parent: send server: Can't 
>> assign requested address“ in /var/log messages
>> Ok, so there seems to be a reason for needing another instance of httpd. But 
>> how would that work? What would I have to do to get that second instance to 
>> listen on IPs from rdomain 1?
>> I have tried setting up a copy of /usr/sbin/httpd (actually a symbolic link 
>> using the name /root/bin/httpd_em1) and I have created a new 
>> /etc/httpd.2.conf with only the em1 related content. I have also duplicated 
>> /etc/rc.d/httpd to /etc/rc.d/httpd_em1 and changed 
>> daemon='/root/bin/httpd_em1' (the path to my symbolic link) and 
>> daemon_flags="${daemon_flags} -f /etc/httpd.2.conf"
>> No joy! rcctl start httpd_em1 results in the same message in 
>> /var/log/messages.
>> Thanks for any pointers you can give me.
>> Mike

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