"Best" depends on you and your system and how you use your system.
(Are you the sole user of your system? Do you share access? Under what
conditions? How much storage does your system have? Etc..)

Conceptually, $HOME/.login is a fine place to define an environment
variable, though there's ways of using the system which would bypass
that definition.

Conceptually, you might have situations where you want to bypass your
cache home definition, though of course many people would not want
such a thing.

Conceptually, the system should work just fine with the default
behavior (which uses $HOME/.cache if I remember right). And maybe
that's the best for you.

Ideally, you should be the person who determines the best choices for
you, and you should be looking for information which is relevant to
whatever is unusual about your situation.


On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 6:51 PM Mihai Popescu <mih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to export XDG_CACHE_HOME variable used by Xorg.
> What is the best place (file or ?) to export this variable?
> I remember i used some file to export a long time ago PS1 variable.
> Should I use ~/.login file or is it a better way to export this xorg variable?
> OpenBSD amd64 here, snapshots install.
> Thank you.

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