On 2022-05-18, Michael <findme@thewoods.earth> wrote:
> On 05/19/22 01:44AM, Mihai Popescu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to export XDG_CACHE_HOME variable used by Xorg.
>> What is the best place (file or ?) to export this variable?
>> I remember i used some file to export a long time ago PS1 variable.
>> Should I use ~/.login file or is it a better way to export this xorg 
>> variable?
>> OpenBSD amd64 here, snapshots install.
>> Thank you.
> Non-expert answer here, but I recently was trying various places to get
> the following working:
> Everywhere online (Linux users mainly) were saying to put it in
> .profile, which did not work on OpenBSD.  What ended up working for me
> is putting it in .xsession.  So I assume that is a good place for any
> export command like this.

.xsession is not a bad place for things relating to a single user in X.
For a more global thing, environment variables can be set in login.conf,
independent of shells etc.

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