On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 11:01:09AM -0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2022-07-13, Tobias Fiebig <tob...@reads-this-mailinglist.com> wrote:
> > Heho,
> >
> > When doing what i described in my message, I get the below messages.
> >
> > When I set static routes, packet forwarding works fine, i.e.:
> >
> > gw02.dus01.as59645.net ~ # route add -inet6 2a06:d1c2::/48 
> > 2a06:d1c0::dead:beef:c02 
> > add net 2a06:d1c2::/48: gateway 2a06:d1c0::dead:beef:c02
> >
> > bgp-test.test /etc # route add -inet6 default 2a06:d1c0::dead:beef:c01
> > add net default: gateway 2a06:d1c0::dead:beef:c01
> >
> > Removing those routes and restarting the BGPD then also leads to a 
> > successful import of routes, see bgpctl sh nex at the bottom of this mail.
> >
> > It somehow feels like bgpd does not register that wg0 came up.
> Yes.
> You can check with "route -n monitor" that the route messages are correctly
> sent when the interface is brought up, also try running bgpd in the foreground
> with debug logging (bgpd -vvvd or so) and see if any errors/warnings are
> logged when wg comes up.

Looking at the show nexthop output it seem bgpd does not get the
RTM_IFINFO message with the IFP_UP flag set. It still thinks the interface
is down. This is a bug in wg(4) which probably sends the rt message before
applying the flag.
> > Let me try if this behavior is the same for other tunnels (eoip).
> Worth a try. Also maybe different between v4 and v6, WireGuard doesn't really
> do v6 properly.

The v4 part is also not great to be honest. Doing dynamic routing via
WireGuard is just close to impossible with the way WireGuard is specified.
It is not a simple tunnel but applies some route limits on top which you
can't really disable.

Also because of multicast issues you can't run ospfd over wg(4) so I had
to put a gif tunnel in a wg tunnel to have dynamic routing.

:wq Claudio

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