Those are indeed reasons for it to present the error.
In my experience this also happens when a non-existent PHP script is requested, as the match is on *.php.


On 2022-09-01 10:41, Mike Fischer wrote:
This happens when PHP-FPM can’t find the script to execute.

One reason could be that you fiddled with the settings and let PHP-FPM run without chroot(2), while httpd(8) is running with chroot(2).

But it might also be a misconfiguration of in httpd.conf. Not sure about all of the potential reasons but I occasionally see this error as well on a setup which should be configured correctly. I have not checked wether some spurious external HTTP requests could be causing this.

My httpd.conf basically looks like this:
server "" {
    location "*.php" {
        fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"

It’s a bit sad that these logs don’t contain timestamps. Makes matching against access logs harder.


Am 01.09.2022 um 10:12 schrieb


OBSD 7.1 amd64, vultr vm:
This is my httpd error.log, does somebody know what is happening please?
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown
Primary script unknown

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