On 9/26/22 00:21, Kastus Shchuka wrote:
On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 08:12:51AM -0400, Z. Charles Dziura wrote:
except for one glaring flaw: it won't boot up properly unless I have a
monitor plugged into one of the display ports. Of course, this makes things
a bit difficult to debug.
Seems you need a dummy HDMI plug, similar to what was described in this thread:

I had a similar problem with a Mac Mini, a long time ago, and taped some
resistors in place so that OpenBSD would boot unattended and without a
display attached.  The resistors have to be in the right range to work,
but there is some flexibility as to the specs:


Though a form dummy HDMI plug might be the best approach if it's likely
to get jostled or moved.


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