On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 09:31:19PM +0000, Mik J wrote:

>  i'm not sure I understand because I did write:datasize=8192M:\
> However 
> ...-Xms3g
> -Xmx3g
> Works
> /etc/opensearch/jvm.options...-Xms4g
> -Xmx4g
> Doesn't work (mistake in my first message I mean't it doesn't work)
> In login.conf I have right now
> opensearch:\#???????????? :memoryuse=8192M:\
> #???????????? :datasize-max=infinity:\
> #???????????? :datasize-cur=8192M:\
> ?????????????? :datasize=8192M:\
> ?????????????? :openfiles=65536:\
> ?????????????? :tc=daemon:

Did you re-login after the channge? Check with ulimit -a, it
shoud show the new value. Also: login.conf is pretty strict about
syntax and generally shows no erro message if it is wrong.


>     Le mardi 22 novembre 2022 ?? 13:17:16 UTC+1, Stuart Henderson 
> <stu.li...@spacehopper.org> a ??crit :  
>  On 2022-11-22, Mik J <mikyde...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> >?? Hello Stuart,
> > Thank you for your answer.
> > I tried to add?????????????? :memoryuse=8192M:\
> > ?????????????? :datasize-max=infinity:\
> > ?????????????? :datasize-cur=8192M:\
> > ?????????????? :datasize=8192M:\
> > But none of these help
> > Do you know which parameter suits to the memory problem ?
> "datasize".
> I would probably not reduce "memoryuse" like you have done there.

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