Hello Stuart, Otto,Thank you for your answers.
Stuart, I ran this command and got this output# su -c opensearch root -c 
'ulimit -a'
time(cpu-seconds)    unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
data(kbytes)         4194304
stack(kbytes)        8192
lockedmem(kbytes)    87381
memory(kbytes)       8095252
nofiles(descriptors) 7030
processes            1310

I suppose the interesting line is this onedata(kbytes)         4194304
So it seems that 
:datasize=8192M:\is not taken into account in login.confopensearch:\

Do you see any other hint ?

    Le mercredi 23 novembre 2022 à 10:16:50 UTC+1, Stuart Henderson 
<stu.li...@spacehopper.org> a écrit :  
 On 2022-11-23, Otto Moerbeek <o...@drijf.net> wrote:
> Did you re-login after the channge? Check with ulimit -a, it
> shoud show the new value. Also: login.conf is pretty strict about
> syntax and generally shows no erro message if it is wrong.

Re-login isn't needed for this, it's an rc.d daemon so it's effectively
run as a fresh login. To check the effect of changes, you can run either
of these:

$ sudo -c opensearch sh -c 'ulimit -a'
# su -c opensearch root -c 'ulimit -a'

(I find the first easier to remember but it needs sudo, doas doesn't
support this).


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