Feb 19, 2023 03:49:45 Tomasz Rola <rto...@ceti.pl>:

> Am a bit late but in case of doubt:
> chmod a-x `which tracker-miner-fs-3` && ls -axl `which tracker-miner-fs-3`

I ended up uninstalling it however thanks for this command too, interesting.

(Hint to read the rest of my reply: I'm always in the need to mind, use or 
myself *effective* gui despite the context. Thats my second job! )
> Install Midnight Commander, perhaps? Warning: it does not have
> trashcan, so there is no "undo" (unless something changed during last
> twenty years). On the plus side: optionally works in vt100 mode (only
> one option to choose from), does not display unnecessary icons. Big
> plus: I am rather sure it will work with Gnome 15, still like a charm,
> always like a charm (if you ask me - a real gem of a software).

Eheh, time is gone from the classic fixed two panes file manager that
unfortunately I always "summarized" a little overwhelming for a generic use,
except some specific cases where eventually I can activate the two panes
on demand..

Thanks for the charm of gem, indeed.. :D

> I also like dired-mode in Emacs, but for this to work, one has to like
> Emacs. Actually, one has to love Emacs. "Like" is not enough in this
> case.

Difficult to evaluate and comment on a *big stuff* like Emacs.

Summarizing again: I'm not in the need of Emacs (I'm focus on the web since 
years) and
I think fortunately is so.

Indeed, my best advice about gui is that any good stuff should be concieved 
enough to result effective to user.

I want also to thank you for the time of your post. I got the lucky chance
to read you monitoring the fever of my daughter. And sorry for the off-topic
commenting style.

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