> Am 08.09.2023 um 00:38 schrieb latin...@vcn.bc.ca:
> Hello
> Does somebody can help? OpenBSD 7.3 Dokuwiki
> # ps ax |grep dokuwiki
> 27461 p0  S+p      0:00.01 grep dokuwiki

DokuWiki is not a process. So the above does not make any sense.

> The error.log at /www/log is full of this messages and dokuwiki stop working:
> Access to the script '/dokuwiki' has been denied (see
> security.limit_extensions)
> Access to the script '/dokuwiki' has been denied (see
> security.limit_extensions)
> Thanks for your attention.

You need to show us the relevant server {} block in your /etc/httpd.conf 
(assuming that you are using httpd(8) as the web server).

The actual error message refers to the php-fpm setting, see 
 But feeding the path /dokuwiki to php-fpm does not make any sense, so the root 
cause is somewhere else.

Also you may want to take a look at https://www.dokuwiki.org/install:openbsd 
for some additional hints.

This is what a working httpd.conf could look like:
(You may want to replace the server name with an FQDN or add an alias setting. 
You would also need a port 80 host to redirect to https and to handle ACME 
certificate verification. But that is all standard web server stuff, not 
specific to DokuWiki.)

server "default" {
        listen on $my_ipv6 tls port 443

        tls {
                certificate "/etc/ssl/acme/fullchain.pem"
                key "/etc/ssl/acme/private/privkey.pem"

        log style combined

        root "/dokuwiki"
        directory index doku.php

        connection max request body 2097152     # Default is 2M for 
upload_max_filesize and 8M for post_max_size.

        location "/*.inc" { block }
        location "/*.ht*" { block }
        location "/data/*" { block }
        location "/conf/*" { block }
        location "/bin/*" { block }
        location "/inc/*" { block }
        location "/vendor/*" { block }

        location "*.php" {
                fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"


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