On 2024-03-15, Tobias Fiebig via misc <misc@openbsd.org> wrote:
> Moin,
>>     # perform nat64 (NOT WORKING)
>>     pass in to 64:ff9b::/96 af-to inet from ($wan:0)
> Can you try if the same happens with a more specific rule (for
> testing)?
> i.e.:
> pass in on igc3 inet6 from "put actual v6 prefix here" to 64:ff9b::/96
> af-to inet from "actual IP on igc0"/32

"actual IP on igc0" is a good idea. If I try a similar rule without ()
using an interface with v4+v6 addresses, pfctl rejects it due to af

> I am suspecting that the missing inet6 may lead to some confusion.
> Alternatively, remove the block rules; URPF may be an issue here, if
> you lack a route for the /96.

"match log(matches)" and "tcpdump -neipflog0" is your friend for
figuring out which rules are used. I suspect the urpf too.

Regarding the other rules and tests, the ::1 rule is wrong, packets
outgoing on the network won't have a ::1 address, try "!received-on
any", and packets sourced from the router itself won't hit the af-to
rule so tests need to be from another machine (and probably best use
different DNS servers not doing dns64 on the router).

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