On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 13:51:29 -0300, Joco Salvatti proclaimed...

> I'd like to know your opinion about to major DNS servers: Bind and
> djbdns. Which one is the best (I'm not sure if I may ask it this way)?
> Which one you'd best recommend? I've already used Bind (and I still
> use it) and I know it works perfectly fine. But before getting in
> touch with OpenBSD and their users I realized that I had an wrong
> opinion about a lot of softwares. So I'd like to know your opinion.

I'll say one thing about BIND; it's come a very long way in the past few
years. Using "views" really offers a lot of flexibility, and native IPv6 is
also something that prompted me to start using it again. 

While djb's software is very fast and resilient, I couldn't find a reason to
add more complexity to my system. Also, I prefer the query logs that BIND
gives you, and there's more software available to eat those logs and report

But hey, don't let me persuade you. Try them out yourself, side by side, and
see which one you like. dnscache/tinydns *are* much faster (from my tests),
on the order of 3x's faster than BIND. But there's just less benefits.


- eric

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