Adam wrote:
> The question was about scalability.  

I keep seeing that term. Is it supposed to mean something?
Methinks there is a problem with scalability if you cannot even 
add two numbers together. (Well maybe with Lisp and infinite tapes)

Dijkstra had an analogy with comparing, as a means of transportation, the 
supersonic jet plane with a crawling baby. Just a matter of scale.

An application which has evolved under Linux will have taken advantage
of various quirks in Linux and managed to avoid quirks which would make
it slower under Linux. If you put your left shoe on your right foot,
you will discover that the shoe is not big enough for your foot.

I would expect to be able to shove more stuff through something
that required constant babysitting that something setup and forgot.
Up to a point, that is. Oddly enough, I would expect OpenBSD to
handle stuff where Linux is incapable of scaling;)

I don't think I've seen anything that scales uniformly,
or even anywhere close.

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