On 13/06/06, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The simple fact is that anyone who wants access to Hifn's documentation
>need only log on to our extranet site (http://extranet.hifn.com/home/)
>to download as much as they like.

That URL is not a place where you can download data sheets.  That is a
registration site that requires anyone who wants data sheets to enter
approximately 50 personal questions.

I can get documentation for pretty much 99% of the chips in the
industry without supplying any private information.  I don't TRUST you
to keep my personal data private.

As soon as one submits one's private information to Hifn, the
submitted data indeed no longer could be considered private. Look at
Hifn's HTML on the registration page:

        <form action="http://extranet.hifn.com/home/anonymous/Default.asp";
method="post" name="userEdit" onSubmit="return validate(this);">

Is Hifn running low on supplies of cryptography hardware accelerators?
Or do these accelerators no longer work in recent operating systems
due to the lack of documentation?

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