Breen Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Marc Balmer wrote:
>> * Han Boetes wrote:
>>> I've been working for quite some time now on an alternative
>>> package-manager for OpenBSD, and since things start working rather
>>> fine now I think it's time to let you guys know.
>> this is about the most idiotic wast of time I ever heard of.  what is
>> wrong with our own package tools, which at least to very dedicated and
>> bright people work on?
>> what's next?  hls?  han's own version of ls?  hcat?
> Why does it matter? If he wants to do it then no one can stop him. If
> he makes something worth while then other people will use it. Deriding
> people for going against the status quo is kinda silly considering
> that OpenBSD does it quite frequently.

As I see it, this is an example of working _against_ a project
instead of with and for it.  A personal NIH syndrome, if you
will.  It's not just some Linux thing he put together that also
works here.  Look at his quote: "package-manger for OpenBSD."
and the hidden subtext: "With -MY- name on it!"

deanna at sdf

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