On 6/21/06, John Brahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What are my other options? I'd like to have it automatically fail over but
I'm not sure what is required to do that.
Have you considered using a WAN card for your T1 natively on OpenBSD?
As well, you might have a look at ifstated(8) if that's the case --
this would be a cinch to configure with PF.

I believe there are several manufacturers of WAN cards, including
art(4), lmc(4) and san(4).  I have used the Sangoma cards before with
good luck.

Otherwise, depending on the router (Cisco?), you might be able to
setup tracking on the T1 WAN interface to bring down the ethernet
interface (assumption?) that points towards your OpenBSD firewall.
This in turn would trigger an ifstated event that manages your pf.conf
configuration(s).  Or... routing metrics.

There are so many ways to solve this with OpenBSD.

Good luck!

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