Hi Artyom,

> Actually I need a system with perl, pf and some tiny http server
> for cgi scripts. I suppose that it is possible to fit it on a 32mb
> disk? Am I wrong?

Yes, you are quite wrong.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ uname -a
OpenBSD athene.usta.de 3.9 GENERIC#617 i386
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ du -sk /usr/libdata/perl5
34141   /usr/libdata/perl5

Besides, read my other post on the subject.  A few years ago,
i needed about 20 MB of disk space for a barebone firewall -
which of course did not have either perl or a http server.

> What is about my understanding of OpenBSD - I am a new to it and
> to unix but willing to get know about it as much as possible.

In that case, refrain from stripping base.  Read books
and man pages.  Rather try to use than to change the base system.
Changing what you don't understand (yet) is a rather painful and
inefficient way to learning.


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