On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 02:12:47PM +0100, Steve Fairhead wrote:
> Rico Secada [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> >> I read about how Ada is been used in all areas where safety is of great
> issue, and about how it's being used in rockets, Boing Airplanes and so on
> because of it's high level of safety.
> What I understood from it is, that the demand and control upon compilers,
> rather than on the sourcecode, eliminates the possibility of a lot of errors
> in the sourcecode, the compiler will not compile the program, and since Ada
> is being used in a lot places, where lives dependt upon the software, it has
> to be very safe.
> I was wondering, would it be a stupid and bad idea, for the OpenBSD team to
> develope, an OpenBSD C compiler based upon the OpenBSD security knowledge
> and internal standards regarding the language?

yeah we will just drop everything we do now, quit all our jobs,
send our families and other sos shopping at the mall in zimbabwe,
not make a release for two years and produce the best compiler
ever by then of course everybody will stop using openbsd for
obvious reasons so we can finally all go drinking beer...


    paranoic mickey       (my employers have changed but, the name has remained)

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