On Sat, Sep 09, 2006 at 05:33:56PM +0200, Martin Schr?der wrote:
> 2006/9/9, Benjamin Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >mix). In a development environment in which one might have multiple
> >working copies of a large repository (such as OpenBSD's src), all
> >those backups add up, and fast.
> Not if you use rsnapshot.

rsnapshots looks very neat, yes.

I do tape backups, myself, so I'll stay with AMANDA. On a side note,
aside from it's braindead handling of ports (why one TCP connection
doesn't suffice is beyond me), AMANDA is a very good piece of software.
I wouldn't recommend it for disk-based backups, though - like many
alternatives, it's strongly biased towards tapes.

rsnapshot, on the other hand, understands at least a little of the
difference between disk and tape (i.e. tape is cheap, disk is


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