On Sat, 16 Dec 2006 21:31:28 -0500
"STeve Andre'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If things have been running for nearly a month and now you've
> crashed twice in two days, that says that the system was just
> fine, and now things have gone to hell.  You have new hardware
> problems.
> I'd first suspect ram.  Get memtest86 and run it for 24 hours or 
> so.  I'd also take the raid array and stuff it into another identical
> computer.  You do have a spare system for this production
> service, don't you?

That's some good advice--if the problems are just now showing with
great frequency, it's the hardware. I'd check the disk, ram, and PSU in
that order. 

Travers Buda

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