In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christian Ruediger Bahls writes:
> to have an -l option for sftp would be really nice
> but perhaps one should argument a little bit differently
> your argument would be a lot stronger if it would go like that:

Hi Christian!

Indeed, you are right.  Your argument is certainly stronger, I was looking
only at some "symmetry" in the options available on both OpenSSH commands.
A very good point.

> imagine a user alice who has something like that in her /etc/login.conf
> [snip]
> whoever:\
>         :auth=skey,passwd:\
>         :tc=default:
> [snap]
> ok regularly she would be bitten by:
> "scp -r that_very_important_directory me:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Backups"
> there she would start to argue that every ssh aware program
> should perhaps provide "-l" to the user

That is a very good point, agreed.

> so i guess if you argue in that direction ..  or refer to my post 
> _and_ provide a patch for easy integration into OpenSSH
> we could both have an itch scratched :)

I would be glad to refer to your post, but you currently sent it
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I certainly acknowledge that your argument is stronger
than mine.  Thank you very much for your excellent feedback.

I will be glad to test and provide a patch.  Now that the OpenSSH
source code seems really stable (with only some minor changes and
aesthetical patches) I suppose that this patch can be written and
submitted without a fear it cannot be cleanly applied if it stays
some time on the mailing list.

As there is not negative feedback in relation with my proposal,
I suppose that writing that patch would be reasonable with only
a small chance of being wasted time.

I will try to submit a patch very soon.  I suppose that copying/pasting
the code currently available will be a good idea, I will just look at
the source code to know if it can be integrated without a lot of
changes.  I certainly trust on the way the operating system is being
written and prefer using the code currently available as a reference.

Thanks again for your feedback on this matter.  I really appreciate
your post.


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