Patrick Useldinger wrote:
> Otto Moerbeek wrote:
>> How are we supposed to help if you omit all relevant info? dmesg,
>> disklabels, fdisk info...
> A good start would be to read my post, all the information is there. 
> Except for dmesg, which is not useful in this case.
> -pu


You ask for help.
One of the most qualified people to assist you AND a very skilled
developer attempted
 to help you and says you you did not provide enough info.

Guess what?  That means you either didn't provide it, or it is
organized too poorly to be worth a busy person's time.  In your case,

The value of the dmesg was already demonstrated (see KRW's post).

CCD works great as you are trying to use it.  BTW: This message is
coming to you from a computer with a ccd stripped /usr partition.  It
works.  I used the man page documentation to implement it.  It works.

Your attitude is completely and totally rude and arrogant.  I'll now
give you all the assistance you so deserve:

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