On 2/21/07, Alex Thurlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oops, forgot that part.  At 325Mbps, we do about 60,000pps, so that puts
us at about 360,000pps needed for 2Gbps.

You'll have a hard time finding benches for that. To date, the best
reported is 150k pps which was on the intel E7520 chipset. That
was using em drivers. You're safest best for the most performance
possible would likely be using the intel 5000 chipset
(i.e. SuperMicro X7DB* motherboards) coupled with
SysKonnect SK-9S* line of network cards. Its probably
a safe bet that you'll be capable of 200K pps, but beyond
that is anyones guess.

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