Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> i am forced to use windows at work and am trying to get a vmware openbsd
> VM to recognize the non-virtual interfaces, so as to have openbsd as the
> router for the windows system. this is using the free vmplayer v1.0.3.
> i've read and followed
> http://www.cs.drexel.edu/~vp/VirtualFirewall/
> and can only see the pcn0 interface under the VM (which is 3.8-release,
> btw) after following the suggestions contained therein. any clues about
> getting the VM to recognize the real physical interfaces would be great.
> cheers,
> jake

Hello Jacob,

some time ago there was an article in the german magazin ct' where they
described the same situation as you have (with the different that they
use ipcop (a linux firewall distro) instead of lovely openbsd to do the

You need the following in your vmware-config:
the real network card has to be used in bridged mode poimting to your
virtual pcn0 interface. This is the external interface of your firewall
pointing to the evil internet. Do not configure this card under windows
(Sorry at the moment I don't know if you can easily disable the card in
 WIndows, but I may have a look in the article if you want)
Next you need a virtual network beetween your virtual machine and your
host. Then you have a second nic in your Windows System (vmware virtual
something) and a second nic in your OpenbSD which points to your
internal (virtual) network.



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