>Jason George wrote:
>> This was sabre-rattling.  Daniel made a pre-emptive tactical strike.
>> There's a big difference.
>No, there's not a difference.  Theo said he was willing to take the
>emails public; this Daniel guy took him at his word, and made them
>public.  The only foul I see is Theo threatening to take Daniel's emails
>public in the first place.

No, you should re-read the thread.

Willingness to release emails is significantly different that actually 

The willingness to use a tactical nuclear weapon on an adversarial nation 
state is significantly different that actually pushing the button to launch 
said device.  The exposed willingness and the clout to back it up is 
invariably meant to cause the other side to back down.  Yes, it is clearly a 
scare tactic.

There's a fundamental concept in negotiations and it's allowing the other 
party to opportunity to save face.  This happens all the time in business, 
legal and geopolitical discussions.  Even the most hardcore lawyers and 
diplomats know this.  

Daniel's immediate out was to either not release the poster or to use other 
language in the promotion of his cause.  That was his opportunity to save 
face.  He chose not to try to negotiate to a compromised solution when clearly 
his tack was going to have a negative impact on at least one other party.

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