On 3/20/07, Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This discussion is for the most part not going anywhere and looks like
dirty laundry between various party.


I already post proof on this list a few months ago of how bad BLOB are
with proof that if push to shove, I would argue that even the stock
exchange commission might be interested to know in some cases.

You mean this right:
http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2006-04/1157.html ?

In my own case, I discover in my expensive commercial product purchase a
few years ago and fully licenses with yearly 20% purchase price
recurring support cost on it, that without my knowledge and even my
explicit agreement, that private informations were send to that company
each night! When raise hell on it, was send left and right with no clear
answer, but keeping pushing was told that it will be disable in my license.

Now a few months later, after all daily data is block, I get from that
same company emails saying

" To ensure your ***** platform is performing properly, ...... to view
the performance of your system. You will be contacted ..... Support
engineer to access your respective system to capture performance data."

Now tell me. Are they really interested in making sure my systems are
working properly??? Draw your own conclusions?

My gosh, what company is this? There's no reason to protect them, tell us.


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