On Wed, 9 May 2007, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

> Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> > > Where are the OS bottleneck that I can may be improve here?
> > 
> > Loks at the memory usage. 300 httpd procces could take up 3000M
> > easily, especially with stuff like php. In that case, the machine
> > starts swapping and your hit the roof. As a general rul, do not allow
> > more httpd procces than our machine can handle without swapping. Also,
> > a long KeepAliveTmeout can works against you, by holding slots. 
> Thanks Otto,
> I am still doing tests and tweak, but as far as swap, I checked that and same
> for keep alive in httpd.conf and I even changed it in:
> net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=10
> net.inet.tcp.keepidle=30
> net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=30

These parameters do not have a lot to do with what you are seeing.

I was talking abouty the KeepAliveTimeout of apache. It's by default
15s. WIth a long timout, any processs that has served a request will
wait 15s to see if the client issues more requests on the same
connection before it becomes available to serve other requests. For
more details, see 

> For testing only. I am not saying the value above are any good, but I am
> testing multiple things and reading a lot on sysctl and what each one does.
> KeepAliveTmeout is at 5 seconds.

Try lowering it even more.

> No swapping is happening, even with 1000 httpd running.
> load averages: 123.63, 39.74, 63.3285                      01:26:47
> 1064 processes:1063 idle, 1 on processor
> CPU states:  0.8% user,  0.0% nice,  3.1% system,  0.8% interrupt, 95.4% idle
> Memory: Real: 648M/1293M act/tot  Free: 711M  Swap: 0K/4096M used/tot

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