>   [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
>   [ measured:  6448.5 packets/s, 31.21Mb/s ]
> Were nearing the 8300pps mark so I was worried? But should I be? Becuase the
> majority of my packets are smaller then 64B, shouldn't I be able to pass a
> lot more packets then 8300pps? If all my packets were 64K or smaller,

that is not a high enough rate of packets to worry about unless it's
running on very weak hardware or there's some other problem.

if this becomes a problem you'll see things like high cpu% in interrupt
in top(1) output.

> shouldn't that allow me to be able to handle closer to 200k packets/sec
> before hitting my bandwidth limit?

you'll probably hit bandwidth limits before you run into problems
through too-high pps on a 100Mb link with em(4) nics.

> there even seems to be some confusion/discrepancies within this thread...

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