On 23/06/07, Nick Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/22/07, Alex Kwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I found some packages (mainly for Chinese) under FreeBSD are useful to
> me, how to install and runt it?
> thanks!

The two (Free and Open BSD) don't share a package system, but they do
have a similar ports system. If you get the ports files from freebsd
(if the FreeBSD ports collection is installed, look under /usr/ports)
and find the files for the program you want, and copy them over to
your OpenBSD system (putting them in the right place in the OpenBSD
ports tree) and run the standard "make && make install" you might just
get lucky.

But you'll probably run into problems. They will probably need more
porting than just that. :(


If the program is essential, then it would be easier to just install
FreeBSD, or to compile it outside of the ports/package system. Less
possible problems that way...


Andreas Kahari
Somewhere in the general Cambridge area, UK

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