Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Start by putting in a disk that really should work - any factory-pressed
> disk. If OpenBSD understands this, it means that the disk drive is not
> completely unsupported or something stupid like that.

Ok, I have read discs with this, tho it took a few tries to recognize
my 4.1 install discs.  Those were striaght up CDs.  I'll try a unch of
other DVD data disks I got.

> I presume you've already tried reading your disks on another machine.
> The next step would be to read the disks on this same machine using
> another OS.

Yah, so for the purpose of backing up crap to DVD, I'm set.

> Or waiting for someone with more cd9660 smarts than me to tell you why
> this doesn't work - I seem to recall some recent work on supporting
> multisession CDs, so the cd9660 might not be as complete as we'd like.

Linux recognized it as iso9660, and I'm not too clear on what the
relationship of UDF and cd9660 is.  Anyways, now that I had a reality
check and I'm not doing something totally luserly, I'll do some
reading and hopefully coding to fix it.

Thanx for the reality check.

Sincerely, Craig Brozefsky              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
what a klon  - neko 
Less matter, more form!                       - Bruno Schulz
ignazz, I am truly korrupted by yore sinful tzourceware. -jb

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