On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 02:37:25PM -0400, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> Reyk Floeter wrote:
> >you have to enable ip multicast on the systems.
> Shouldn't it be included in the man page then? May be I miss it, but I 
> read them many times over to try to figure it out. I sure will test 
> tonight when the servers are a bit less use.
> >by default, openbsd rejects any ip multicast traffic by adding a route
> >route -qn add -net -interface -reject
> One question however. CARP also use multicast and didn't need this, only 
>  net.inet.carp.preempt=1 in that specific case. I guess I am not 
> understanding something here, or just not clear to me. Should it be 
> rejected in CARP case as well then? I know both are not related, but I 
> am more referring at the logic of how each work and both use multicast 
> and in one case, the man page said to enable net.inet.carp.preempt=1
> and nothing about adding multicast as well. Or is that does the same 
> thing here?

The reject route only triggers for UDP traffic. So carp (which runs inside
the kernel) and ospfd (uses a raw socket) are not affected. On the other
hand ripd/routed and other tools using multicast over UDP hit that route
and when sending all packets are discrded.

> >try to set
> >multicast_host=dc0
> >in /etc/rc.conf or /etc/rc.conf.local
> I sure will try. In any case, I sure can use unicast only as well. But I 
> will try to know for sure.

I prefer to add a specific host route to to let specific
multicast traffic through the box. ripd -- as it already plays around with
the routing table -- add such a route on startup but I think that's
overkill for spamd.

:wq Claudio

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