On Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 10:41:42PM +0200, Joachim Schipper wrote:
| I just got a laptop (Acer Aspire 5100 `series') with a Radeon video card
| (X1300) and a WXGA screen - 1200x800. It was a good deal, but the ATI
| video card had me worried.


| (If someone is aware of work being done on supporting those cards, I'd
| be happy to hear that...)

People are working on avivo(4), an open source driver for next-gen ATI
cards[0]. Apparantly, they're going the difficult route of reverse
engineering stuff since no docs are available. Last I heard was that
it required changes to X that aren't in OpenBSD yet[1].


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd

[0]: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=753&num=1
[1]: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=118461851232744&w=2


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