I read the article on undeadly and a question came up.

dhcpd in base install does not support dynamic DNS (which is modern I guess) so I followed this guide to configure a 4.0 box to support it http://www.bsdguides.org/guides/openbsd/networking/dynamic_dns_dhcp.php

But the following seems wrong to me:
cd /usr/sbin
mkdir isc-dhcp-2.0
mv dhcpd isc-dhcp-2.0/
mv /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd dhcpd

Because it breaks the rule of packages being outside of the base install. So, what is the correct way to do it? I'm going to upgrade 4.0 to 4.2 when it releases so I actually am looking for information on this.

Or, is nobody using dynamic DNS for some reason?
Thanks for any advise about this.

Tom Van Looy

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