
I'm running an web server with the Apache from the base install, php, pureftp and postgresql database to serve multiple websites. Each websites runs in its own instance of apache and one extra instance of apache is doing reverse proxy via the domain name. In all 5 independent apache instances are started. I've done this to separate the domains so that php won't be able to access the data from another domain.

A simplified graphic representation:

NAT Firewall (OpenBSD)
|          |           |
| Apache Reverse proxy | Web Server (OpenBSD 4.0)
|     |          |     |
| |


This is the second time that after a period of time (1 to 3 months) that the server does not respond to http, ftp and ssh. The connection seems to be established but the service does not respond. Ping responds fine. The first time this happened the system was in the ddb>. Since I'm not to familiar with kernel debugging I simply restarted the system. :(


Instead of simply just rebooting the system I would like to start to learn to trouble shoot the problem. Currently I'm physically away from the system and can't look at the console. Since I can't connect successfully via ssh is there anything else I could be doing remotely?

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