On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 03:15:46AM +0100, Rico Secada wrote:
> Hi.
> I have just listed to the interview of Richard Stallman on BSDTalk:
> http://bsdtalk.blogspot.com/2007/10/bsdtalk132-richard-stallman.html
> In the interview he states: "I am unhappy with the various
> distributions of BSD, because all of them include, in their
> installation systems, the ports system, they all include some non-free
> programs. And as a result I can't recommend any of them."

If what you say is true, Stallman is completely out of touch with
reality, since every OS out there makes it possible to install
non-free software... to the notable exception of GNU hurd, which
doesn't work anyway.

Until I've listened to that interview, I'll assume you've taken that
quote out of context.

What's probably more detrimental to Stallman is that we don't subscribe
to his political views, which is something he's perfectly able to say.

But just saying the BSD include non-free software is such a petty argument,
hell, it's even below RMS level...

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