TO: Nikolay Sturm port maintainer of TeXLive

Dear Nikolay,

I am running TeXLive on 4.2 stable and I got into troubles with powerdot class of presentations.

To make long story short. My slides are getting cut from the right hand side once I pass them out with the ps2pdf through the ghostscript.

Apparently, this is well documented bug for powerdot

except that the suggested patch doesn't work. More over when I compared old file with the patch file, they differ in a single symbol so it looks to me that you were already fixing the problem. One thing that concerns me is that the TeXLive version we use in OpenBSD doesn't contain ghostscript but rather it takes it as a dependency from the port three. Is it possible that ghostscript version is causing the troubles.

Do you know anything more about this issue? I will try to fix it and let you know what is going on.


Predrag Punosevac

P. S. It is probably possible to go around just with changing the default paper sizes in options for ps2pdf (contained in Postscript) but I was not able to come up with the right size for now.

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