> I don't know if it's known but there's a online petition for VIA.
> http://www.petitiononline.com/vialinux/petition.html

The petition authors don't get it...

"Other manufacturers, such as Intel, cooperate with the Free Software
community providing Linux drivers as good as the Windows ones,"

drivers as good as the Windows ones, they think this is a good thing?

"There are only a few viable, reasonable or even rationale options:
1. VIA could develop decent Linux drivers that allow Linux users to
experience the same level of stability and performance as Windows users
do on the same hardware. This would show VIA respect for its clients and
would not cost much: A small group of developers, with access to
hardware specs, can improve current drivers easily and quickly.
2. VIA could release full internal hardware specifications to the Linux
community, so that Open Source developers could develop working drivers.
3. VIA could simply say that it doesn't support Linux (which is true).
This should be clear in all VIA communications (website, product boxes,
etc). This would prevent misinformed buyers, which plan on using Linux,
from buying hardware based on it."

the last two, I'd go for, but I wouldn't sign a petition giving 1 as
an option (let alone the first, implying it's what they would like the

developers want docs, not unmaintainable vendor crap GPL drivers.

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