The C3&7 per-watt performance is outstanding; however, their benchmark
performance, exclusive of crypto and/or multimedia acceleration, is not
on par with like MHz intel or amd processors.

The amd turion is the benchmark *AND* per-watt performance king.

Yes, there are desktop turion-compatible motherboards.

I know firsthand that as a openbsd+pf+vpn gateway the C7+motherboard
w/crypto acceleration runs circles around intel and amd at similar price
points (VIA NAB 7xxx).

I do not know firsthand the userland bounce you [may] get with some of
the embedded multimedia acceleration available in VIA platforms.

-----Original Message-----
From: Imre Oolberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: setting up a noiseless workstation]]
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 01:23:08 +0200

But I am surprised people aint using much VIA low-power offerings like 
C3, Eden or C7 in a form of mini-itx motherboard.

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