On Feb 6, 2008 3:45 AM, Lars Noodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andre van Zyl wrote:
> > Please show me the proof that my customers are experiencing "a net loss
> of
> > productivity" ...
> You've provided that data point yourself: MS Windows.

That's just plain stupid, just like people who used to say microsoft office
users are less productive than people who use star office.  I used
starorifice for a while - it was a pile of steekin dung.  When Sun bought it
and turned it into openoffice, one of the things they promised was turning
everything into components, so that anyone who wants to use it, and include
it in their programs could.  We see how well that has turned out.

OO has come a long way, and there are things it is good at, and certainly
there are plenty of suck in MS Office, but to say that people who use MS
Office are less productive than OO users is simply bunk.

Same for saying that about MS Windows.  It may be that _YOU_ are less
productive on a MS Windows box, but certainly not a whole bunch of people.

Just because people quickly get used to and comfortable with a lower
> level of productivity doesn't mean that it's not a problem or that it
> doesn't affect the bottom line.
> What part of the infrastructure, in addition to squid, can you improve
> by using OpenBSD or better OpenBSD + standards?

And replace the software they're running today, with?  OpenBSD doesn't even
have a good implementation of wine.  So who's going to rewrite years of
crufty software?  Take a good look at how long it took OpenOffice to get
from StarOffice to where it is today, where it is... functionally
tolerable.  Then take a look at where it needs to go (say, like Appleworks
on the original Apple ][e and //c - now that's solid performance) or Pages
in the current iWorks suite.  Or hell, the nimbleness of KOffice.

"This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity."  --
Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks factory
where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
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