Mayuresh Kathe dixit (2008-03-05, 13:10:45):

> Hi,
> There's a strange incident that's repeatable on my system (4.2).
> Open up Firefox, make it load "", then open another tab
> and visit any other website, then do the same for 2~3 more tabs.
> The first (dilbert) tab takes a long time to load during which the
> other tabs too show nothing, they get stuck at "Looking up..."
> Is it a Firefox problem or something to do with the system?

What you describe migth be actually a DNS related problem. 

If doesn't resolve well using your current NS/resolver
library combination, some applications might wait to receive an answer
or a time out for the previous queried addresses before processing the
next request(s).

This behaviour can be avoided using a asynchronous resolver
implementation - in this case the application wouldn't wait for a reply
before performing the next queries. 

AFAIK the OpenBSD resolver library is not asynchronous, someone please
correct me if I'm wrong here.

However, if you can reproduce the behaviour using another browser, Opera
comes to mind, then you can exclude Firefox from your list of suspects
and the next step would be changing the NS you are using at this moment.

Digitally yours,
Florin Iamandi (Slippery)
Reason is the first victim of emotion. -- Scytale, Dune Messiah

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