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On 22:59:31 Mar 23, Sunnz wrote:
> Well well, I am basically interested to set up a home monitoring
> system with a PC, OpenBSD, and a Webcam... PC and OpenBSD I had it
> going, but what about the webcam? Are there much webcam support for
> it?
> I have plugged in my old webcam in to the USB port just to see what
> gives... it reports the ugen0 device, Vimicro Corp. PC Camera, rev
> 1.10/1.00, addr 10... if it got this far instead of being "not
> configured", does it mean it has some support for it?
> What should I do next?
What should you do next?

Wait for webcam support to be added. Short of that I have no other

Perhaps one of these days someone will do it. 

I too want this. If it comes to it I might do it but don't count on it.

- -Girish

- -- 
"unix soi qui mal y pense"

UNIX to him who evil thinks

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