I asked a perfectly valid question about whether or not that error I'm
getting is due to that function call being GNU only and therefor being
missing from the OpenBSD libc, now can someone answer that?

I do NOT want to to tarnish all OpenBSD users with this brush I used
below with my response to Girish, I've included it for interests sake
in case anyone wants to read it. I do NOT want to start a flame war I
just want a question answered and to be really honest I would still
like to use OpenBGP.

----=========  Pointless flame to an idiot, please ignore unless you
want a laugh  =========----

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Girish Venkatachalam
>  Please don't insult OpenBSD by comparing with linux. ;)
It's a UNIX-like system is it not? Therefor comparisons are valid,
much like Linux vs. Solaris comparisons are valid.

>  Have you ever seen the source code of OpenBSD kernel?
Yes, I have worked extensively with various BSD Net/2 derived kernels.
As I mentioned earlier the embedded UNIX industry has been my employer
for 10years already.

>  Have you considered how the kernel build system is organized?
Yes I have and I have a good reason for finding the system
inappropriate for my intended deployment platform.

>  Have you seen the linux kernel source?
Yes and I've had issues with it and spent a lot of time rewriting
memory management routines to better suit my uses.
BUT I've received neigh endless support and advice from Linux and his team.

>  And oh by the way OpenBSD is not a kernel, it is an operating system and
>  many people still dunno the difference between the two.
I'm quite well aware of that,... however its mainly only the kernel
I'm interested in,... I'm quite willing to build and support my own
user land.

>  Another thing you could do is take a look at crunchgen(1).
>  # cd /usr/src/distrib/crunch
>  # make
>  # make install
I have used crunchgen before with my tiny NetBSD systems.
However there is only so much that crunchgen can do if the source
system is bloated up with binaries that I will never be using.

>  It is only because linux kernel is so "modular" (laugh) that people want to
>  build their own kernel. And to tell you honestly I still dunno how to
>  compile and install a linux kernel. And it varies between distros to
>  make things worse.
Just blindly using the GENERIC kernel on you're OpenBSD install CD
(you did buy one right) is daft.
My home firewall has a very cut down kernel on it that only includes
what I want in it. Why bloat it with drivers/etc I don't need?
Yes my home firewall is an OpenBSD-current box,... I think thats going
to go back to being NetBSD-current at this rate :(

>  And it is easier to compile an OpenBSD kernel than to compile a linux
>  userland app.
    make install
Unfamiliar to you then? Same process as crunchgen if I recall.

>  Please don't retrofit OpenBSD to fit into the linux mould. It is
>  unfortunate that such garbage like linux is so popular.
Mmmmmmmmm funny haven't seen any *BSD phones yet, or Oracle/Sybase IQ
for BSD yet.
It's popular because of two things,... people are willing to work
together (unlike the OpenBSD people it seems) and its malleable to an
incredible extent.

>  I guess people do not read the kernel source.
Oh I do and its precisely because I liked it that I'm considering
using OpenBSD for this project.

>  But the world always had more fools than smart people...
Arrogance like this is PRECISELY why I'm going to go back to the
NetBSD/Linux camps.
I was hoping that the stories about OpenBSD users (such as yourself)
being arrogant pompous pricks were wrong!
    Quess what,... they are NOT.

Oh and for the record I'm neither a Linux nor OpenBSD fanboy. Actually
some of my clients have me working on and maintaining systems based on
OpenSolaris,... so my preference as to which groups I work with is
based on the people involved in the project and the ethics of the

I am really a fan of the public image of OpenBSD's adherence to BSD
license values, proactive security practices etc.
    But you know what,... thats all PR! Cause after my first email to
an OpenBSD list I want to erase the thought of ever working with the
system again.

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