(apologies in advance if this has been answered before, but I looked in
the manpages and on the marc search engine and didn't find a direct answer)

I'm looking to set up Apache virtual hosting, with two requirements:

1. Customers can upload files to their vhosts

2. Customers cannot clobber each other's files

For requirement 1, I presume I can set up directories like /var/www/htdocs/domain1.tld, /var/www/htdocs/domain2.tld, and so on.

For requirement 2, what are the right locations and user:group permissions to do this?

This link was helpful on VirtualHost setup:


and this helps on chroot and suexec:


but I'm confused about the 'chown nobody:www' part. I don't get how
users would be able to upload files with those permissions.



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