"Daniel B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I can't get the response desired to some of the default keybindings in
> cwm.
> Some of them: M-/, C-/, M-?. With the first and the third, I just hear a
> beep (or a Wuff!! in screen). The second delete my window if not in
> screen, or just "Wuff!!" in screen.
> Any hints? Thank you.

I had the same problem on a very old iMac. It was the only computer
who had the same problem you have. I could remap the keybindings in
.cwmrc, but none of the ASCII characters could be used in a
keybinding. Anyway I found a work around five minutes ago.

The big difference with this one and the others is I have a xorg.conf
on it with those rules for keyboard :

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "keyboard"
        Option      "Protocol"  "standard"
        Option      "XkbRules"  "xorg"
        Option      "XkbModel"  "macintosh"
        Option      "XkbLayout" "fr"

I launch X, launch a xterm, I don't have the keybindings with fr
layout. I usualy use the dvorak layout (don't ask), I type 'setxkbmap
dvorak' and I don't have the keybindings. I try to comment all lines
appart 'Identifier' and 'Driver' and add 'Option "XkbLayout" "dvorak"'
and I don't have the keybindings.

Finally I just wrote the .xinitrc I wrote on my others machines :

setxkbmap dvorak&

And it works. Going back to fr with 'setxkbmap fr' don't work, going
back to dvorak layout after and keybindings still work. Writing fr in
place of dvorak in .xinitrc make keybindings works for fr, but if I
change keybindings to dvorak after cwm is launch it doesn't work

Change your layout in .xinitrc before launching cwm, don't change your
layout after : that's my workaround. Understanding truly "why?" is
yet beyond my skills (thought I'd be interested in answers). I hope
this description will tip people with skills and knowledge on real
solutions :-).

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