On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 02:09:38PM +0000, Glenn Becker wrote:
> one interesting one i have found is that M-<down> will not work on firefox 
> if there are tabs/multiple pages open.

I always configure my window managers to use the Windows key (i.e. Mod4)
rather than Control or Alt (i.e. Meta).  This prevents conflicts with
the applications that are being managed by the window manager--since
ordinary applications, like Firefox, don't use the Windows key.

Note, I was told by one of the Fluxbox developers that I need to add the
following line

 xmodmap -e 'add Mod4 = Super_L'

to my .xinitrc file if I want the Windows key to be well-behaved, but I
don't understand the reason why.

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