Marco Peereboom wrote:
I for one am glad there is no plugin for that infectious disease called

On the other hand, web developers think this thing is hot shit. I certainly share your sentiment, but having just come from a web development class where the instructor essentially proselytized Flash/Flex(/maybe-Silverlight) for 3 hours as the solution to cross-browser-AJAX compatibility headaches, I think most of the world doesn't care about what's right or best-- they just want what's easy. This is something that gives web developers consistent sites across >90% of existing browsers, because there's ONE runtime, and that's worth the price tag for the development tools.

This guy's day job is at a bank, and they're really into it-- it "solves" a number of problems for them. So if this is the kind of thing that developers are going to pick up en masse, then it's something that will need to be addressed, else people who won't or can't run Flash will be increasingly marginalized.

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