On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:27:29PM +0800, David Schulz wrote:
> Hello all,
> i am using mutt 1.5.18 to handle my mail. I set it up via my muttrc file so
> that when i delete a mail, it goes to a Trash Folder. This is defined in
> muttrc like this
> set trash=$HOME/.mail/mlists.pg-sec.com/Trash/
> Now id like to move my mail and setup to a OpenBSD 4.4 Machine, i installed
> Mutt 1.5.18 and everything works fine, except that mutt under OpenBSD doesn't
> seem to recognize the set trash directive in my .muttrc; instead upon
> starting mutt, mutt complains that: 
> Error in /home/mlists/.mutt/muttrc, line 8: trash: unknown variable
> source: errors in /home/mlists/.mutt/muttrc
> This is strange, because set trash should be working without any patches or
> the like as far as i know.
> Can anyone help me to troubleshoot this?
> Thanks a lot,
> David
> !DSPAM:49660106805435209328925!

as it appears, the trash directive is actually a patch that is not included
in the mutt 1.5.18 package. sorry for the noise

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