On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 03:21:19PM +0000, Khalid Schofield wrote:
> Dev's.
> What are the chances of getting a port of ZFS to OpenBSD? I can't quite 
> bring myself to run solaris since it lacks so much of what I love about 
> OpenBSD and Linux is back to square one because of the reasons I moved to 
> OpenBSD.

About the same as porting anything substantial to OpenBSD.  The
developer must be passionate about the project and have the resources
(time, money) to accomplish it[1].  There is no way to quantify the odds
of this happening.  I see no code attached to your email, so I presume
you're not volunteering.

[1] Not even taking into account any licensing implications.

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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