hi gang,

i have an encrypted ffs diskimage.
it was created some time ago the usual way.

after my update to -current this is what happens:

$ sudo vnconfig -k svnd0 imagefile
Encryption key:
$ sudo mount /dev/svnd0a /mnt
mount_ffs: /dev/svnd0a on /mnt: filesystem must be mounted read-only; you may 
need to run fsck

when i mount the filesystem read-only, everything is ok.

but when i say:
$ sudo fsck /dev/svnd0a
fsck: /dev/svnd0a: unknown special file or file system.
$ sudo fsck /mnt
fsck: /mnt: unknown special file or file system.

should not this work?
there is a very similar example in the vnconfig manpage.

let's suppose this is because of the ffs changes in the recent past
(cause i can't think of anything else).  what can i do except backup
the files and create a new image with recent newfs?

opinions are like assholes --- everybody has one.

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