On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Alexander Hall <alexan...@beard.se> wrote:

> Tony Berth wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Alexander Hall <alexan...@beard.se>
>> wrote:
>>  Tony Berth wrote:
>>>  On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Jason Dixon <ja...@dixongroup.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 05:46:28PM +0100, Tony Berth wrote:
>>>>> case#1:
>>>>>> my "/home/<DB-user>/db" dir is owned by _postgresql:_postgresql
>>>>>>  Wow, you've managed to completely ignore all advice both Dan Colish
>>>>> and
>>>>> myself have given you.  Since you continue to refuse to do any of these
>>>>> things, or give me what I keep asking for (directory permission
>>>>> listings), I'm going to have to cut you off.
>>>>> Good Luck.
>>>>> ===============================================================
>>>>> P.S.  The correct response should be been something like:
>>>>> $ ls -ld /home/foo/db
>>>>> <result>
>>>>> $ ls -ld /home/foo
>>>>> <result>
>>>>> ===============================================================
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jason Dixon
>>>>> DixonGroup Consulting
>>>>> http://www.dixongroup.net/
>>>>>  found the cause of the problem
>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>>  Please share your findings and the solution for the list archives.
>>> /Alexander
>> it was just a stupid typo in the permissions. That's why I didn't refer to
>> a
>> 'solution'!
> Ok, now you got me even more curious. Stupid typos could happen to anyone,
> so don't feel bad about it. Anyway, I, and likely a few with me, who has
> bothered to read this thread, would _still_ appreciate to know what the
> problem was. I do not understand what "a stupid typo in the permissions"
> refers to. I could guess, but I'd rather not.
> Pretty please with sugar on top? :)
> /Alexander

very simple! Instead of '_postgresql' it was '_potgresql'! It was one 's'
missing! I had a rather small font defined for my terminals connected to the

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